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Economic Impact Study 
According to a 2013 Tri-County Technical College Economic Impact Study, the College creates a significant positive impact on the local business community and generates a return on investment to its major stakeholder groups-students, society, and taxpayers.

Using a two-pronged approach that involves a regional economic impact analysis and an investment analysis, the study calculates the benefits to each of these groups. Results of the analysis reflect Fiscal Year (FY) 2012-13. The study was performed by EMSI. Other documents stemming from this study include:

Tri-County Technical College creates a significant positive impact on the local business community and generates a return on investment to its major stakeholder groups-students, society, and taxpayers

At Tri-County Technical College, we ignite student transformation by creating a challenging, caring and supportive learning environment where everyone embraces personal responsibility for maintaining high standards, investing in each other, engaging in open and authentic communication, and cultivating a sense of belonging.

Learn more by accessing the links below.

Image of a demonstration of a computer in the 1980s

Environmental Scan 

History and Growth 
Learn about the history and growth of Tri-County



South Carolina Technical College System 
The SC State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education operates the SC Technical College System. The System is comprised of 16 technical colleges located strategically across the state and its statewide affiliate programs: the Center for Accelerated Technology Training's readySCTM program and Apprenticeship CarolinaTM.

The SC Technical System is committed to helping increase the employability of all South Carolinians by ensuring they are fully prepared for the careers of today - and tomorrow. As the largest higher education system in the state, the System provides its 114,000 credit students and 128,000 continuing education students with a comprehensive education and a fast track to a rewarding career. In addition, the System's nationally-recognized affiliate programs, designed to train or re-train employees so that companies new to South Carolina and existing businesses alike can continue to prosper and grow, help spur job growth and economic development opportunities across the state.

The SC Technical College System is not only preparing students of all ages for real work today, but also demonstrating a commitment to increasing the employability of all South Carolinians and ultimately enhancing the quality of life for all.