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Five Decades of Distinction, published in 2012 in honor of the 50th anniversary of Tri-County Technical College.

In the early 1960's, South Carolina created a system of technical colleges to serve as "a tool for economic development" within the state. Founded in 1962, Tri-County Technical College has grown into a comprehensive two-year community and technical college that serves approximately 7,250 students from Anderson, Oconee, and Pickens counties in more than 70 major fields of study. As one of the largest of the 16 colleges in the South Carolina Technical College System, the College follows an "open door" admissions policy and offers comprehensive academic and support services to help all who enroll meet their educational goals and achieve academic success.

Located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the College has campuses in Pendleton, Anderson, Easley, and Seneca. Students enjoy a vibrant campus life experience that includes student events, "learning communities," and multicultural activities, as well as honor societies for those with outstanding academic records, student government association activities, and a variety of clubs and organizations, many of which are tied to academic majors. The nearby lakes and mountains offer opportunities for hiking, sight-seeing, and water-sport activities. A welcoming, small-town atmosphere exists in the three-county service area.

Tri-County Technical College is focused on creating a dynamic teaching and learning environment for students. Courses are taught during the day, evening, and online. Programs of study include degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a variety of career fields including Business, Early Childhood Development, Criminal Justice, Computer and Information Systems, Engineering Graphics, Industrial Electronics, Mechatronics, CNC Programming and Operations, Welding, Mechatronics, Nursing, Medial Laboratory Technology, Veterinary Technology, Surgical Technology, and many more. The College also has a strong university transfer program that includes Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees. In addition, more than 250 different seminars and courses are offered through Corporate & Community Education, serving approximately 13,000 students annually.

Like the founders of the College, we continue to believe that the greatest single resource South Carolina has is its people. We invite you to take a closer look at Tri-County Technical College. After you see the programs and services available to you, we believe you will want to let us help you prepare for a rewarding career and life.