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Frequently Asked Questions

While it is true that Tri-County Technical College is a State institution, this does not mean that the College receives 100% funding through the State. In fact, less than 12% of the revenue received during 2012-2013 came from the State, and those funds were designated primarily for salaries.

The majority of money the College receives each year comes from student tuition and fees, and these funds are used to pay for a large portion of the College's overall operational expenses. About the only way the College could itself fund new initiatives such as student leadership development programs, the Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, or others outlined in this publication would be to pass the cost on to the students through an excessive increase in tuition and fees. The Tri-County Technical College Commission and College administration consider learning to be the number one priority in all the College undertakes, making it imperative to keep tuition and fees affordable so that finances will not stand in the way for anyone who desires to pursue a college education.

Certainly! As a matter of fact, we encourage multi-year pledges. All you need to do is complete the pledge form telling us how much you would like to give each year and to which fund your gift should be credited. We will send you a reminder each year at a time that is convenient for you.

Yes. We encourage donors to give serious consideration to non-cash gifts such as annuities, stocks, bonds, real estate, etc. Other options include planned gifts through a will, life insurance policy, or the creation of a trust. To determine the type of gift that will best suit your personal circumstances and be of maximum benefit to Tri-County Technical College, we strongly encourage you to talk with your tax, financial, and legal advisors. It would also be a good idea to discuss your plans with our Foundation staff.

Most definitely! Many opportunities are available for donors to make named gifts or gifts in memory or in honor of a loved one. Classrooms, labs, conference rooms, centers, and floors have been named within College facilities, and there are many more available for naming. Donors who make a minimum investment of $5,000 also have the option to name endowments which could be designated for scholarships, technology, professional development, etc. Anyone interested in making an honorary or memorial gift is encouraged to contact our Foundation staff for more information.

All donors will be recognized in the College's annual report. Specific gift amounts will not be included; however, names will be listed by giving ranges. Named endowments, classrooms, etc., provide donors with perpetual recognition opportunities through publications and recognition pieces located on campus.

Yes, we will honor any donor's request to remain anonymous; however, we are depending on you to let us know of your wishes at the time the gift is made.

Yes. The Tri-County Technical College Foundation, Inc., maintains a 501(c)(3) status, and all donors receive an acknowledgment letter which includes verification that no goods or services were received in exchange for their gift(s).