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Placement Testing FAQs

What is the Accuplacer test?
The placement test administered at Tri-County is the Accuplacer test. Developed by the College Board, the Accuplacer test is an untimed computer-based placement test which measures skills in reading, writing, and math. Even though Accuplacer is a computer-based test, very little computer skills are necessary to complete the test. Accuplacer is not a pass/fail test. Accuplacer test scores are used to determine initial course placement levels in selected subjects.

Are sample questions available for the Accuplacer test? 
Accuplacer sample questions are available on the Accuplacer website at

In addition, the following websites may be beneficial:

You can also download a FREE STUDY APP.

Who is required to take the Accuplacer test?
All Students (except transient students) must take the placement test. You may be exempted from taking the placement test if you have completed college courses in English and math at the 101 level or higher with a minimum "C" grade or if you have previously taken Accuplacer at your high school. Placement test results are valid for three years. If you are unsure if you need to take the placement test, contact Admissions at 864-646-1550phone skype icon to determine if placement testing is required.

Can SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores be substituted for Accuplacer? 
SAT, ACT or other standardized test scores cannot be substituted for the placement test.

Is there a fee to take the Accuplacer test? 
Provided you have completed an Application for Admission and paid the application fee, there is no charge for initial placement testing.

Is an appointment required to take the Accuplacer test?
No appointment is required. Accuplacer placement testing is offered on a walk-in basis.   



Testing Days/Time

Pendleton/Ruby Hicks Hall Room 170

Monday-Thursday/8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.*

Students must arrive no later than 3:00 PM.

Friday/8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Students must arrive no later than 12:00 PM.

Anderson/Room 221

Friday/8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Students must arrive no later than 12:00 PM.

Easley/Room 206

Tuesday/2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.*

Students must arrive no later than 3:00 PM

Oconee/Main Office

2nd/4th Thursdays/2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.*

By Appointment only - must schedule 24 hours in advance.

Students must arrive no later than 3:00 PM.

(864) 613-1900

*The Assessment Center closes at 5:00 PM when no classes are scheduled, e.g. during breaks between semesters.

How much time should I allow for Accuplacer testing?
Accuplacer is an untimed test; however, most students require 2 to 2 ½ hours to complete the test.

What should I bring with me for Accuplacer testing?
A picture ID is required for placement testing. Acceptable forms of identification include a state-issued ID (a driver's license for example), a military ID, or an official school ID (high school or college). Scratch paper will be provided by the Assessment Center. Calculators and dictionaries are not allowed during testing. Children may not accompany students during placement testing.

Can I take my placement test at another location if I live more than 100 miles from TCTC?

If you live more than 100 miles from Tri-County and would like to take the Accuplacer test at a remote location, please send an e-mail to providing the information requested below:

  1. Official full name
  2. Date of birth
  3. Tri-County Student Identification Number (Bridge students: your T number is included in your TCTC acceptance letter.  All others refer to your missing requirements letter.) 
  4. Mailing address including city, state and zip code
  5. Phone number
  6. Email address
  7. Remote testing location option A or B (see below)
    A) If you would like to test locally in a proctored environment, please indicate the name of a participating local technical or community college testing center closest to your location.  You may search for participating institutions at call the center and verify that your chosen testing center is still a member of the Accuplacer remote testing network.  We cannot provide a voucher for a non-participating institution.  Failure to provide the name of a participating center will delay receipt of your voucher.  Upon receiving your email, TCTC will generate a voucher within the Accuplacer system.  You will receive an email from Accuplacer indicating your voucher number, valid voucher date range, fee information, and appointment scheduling instructions. Proctoring fees vary based on location and you will be required to test when the remote testing center has availability.
    B) If you have a working webcam, and a computer with a stable Internet connection in a secure location, you may take your placement test virtually. The fee is $25 per proctored session. After receipt of your email, TCTC will generate a voucher within the Accuplacer system. You will receive an email from Accuplacer containing the voucher number with a link for the site to arrange your virtual testing.
  8. If you have completed college English or Math courses at the 101 level or higher with a minimum grade of “C” or passed for credit an English or Math AP/IB exam for a class equivalent to level 101 or higher, please list the course(s) for which you have received credit or respond with “not applicable”. Please provide official transcripts or AP/IB score reports to the TCTC student data center NLT June 1st. Those currently enrolled in initial college credit classes or AP/IB classes must take the entire Accuplacer Assessment.

When will placement test results be available?
Placement test levels are available immediately following the completion of testing. After completing placement testing, you will receive further instructions from the admissions office concerning your next step. The interpretation of placement test levels in relation to course requirements will be covered during your meeting with your success coach.

What do my placement test levels mean?
If you are interested in knowing the English, math and science courses for which you qualify based on your placement test levels, click here.

Is retesting allowed?
If a retest is needed or requested, you may take one retest at a cost of $10 during a three-year period. Check with your academic advisor or the Assessment Center to determine if you qualify for retesting.

How can I prepare for an Accuplacer retest?

Below you will find three options for preparing for an Accuplacer retest. Please keep in mind you only qualify for one retest in a three year period, so make sure you are well prepared.

Option 1: Use customized on-line MyMathTest Program
1. Access codes, which are good for sixteen weeks, are available in the Campus Store or on-line at
2. Register in MyMathTest and take a diagnostic test.
3. Go to Study Plan to see which objectives you should focus on.
4. Click here to access to Getting Started Guide.

Option 2: Follow these links to practice problems
1. Navigate to the links listed in the "Are sample questions available for the Accuplacer test" section.

Option 3: Go to the Learning Express Library

  1. Click on Skill and Exam Prep
  2. Select Learning Express
  3. Select College Students and follow instructions.

What accommodations are provided for students with disabilities?
If you have a documented hearing, learning, physical, psychological, and/or visual disability that will prevent you from taking the test under standard conditions, you may request reasonable accommodations. For more information, contact the Accessibility Resource Center (864) 646-1564

How can I get my test scores sent to another institution?
You may request to have your placement test scores sent to another institution for a fee. Please print and complete Tri-County's Placement Score Release Form available online at: Placement Scores (PDF)

Placement test scores will be mailed or faxed to the institution you list on the release form the same day the completed form, a photo copy of a state-issued identification (such as a driver's license), and the applicable fee are received by the Assessment Center staff.

How can I contact the Assessment Center?
The Assessment Center is located in Ruby Hicks Hall Room 170. You may also contact the Assessment Center by email at, phone at (864) 646-1300, or fax at (864)646-5071