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MyTCTC and College E-Mail

MyTCTC is your personalized, online account connecting you to all College information and services. It is important that you begin checking it NOW! Your MyTCTC is assigned when you are admitted to the College, as indicated in your acceptance letter. Click here for login instructions and password information.

Obtain Your TCTC Student ID

  • Every Tri-County student is required to obtain a student ID.
  • You’ll need your ID to check out books in the library, use computer labs, use financial aid in the Campus Store and more.
  • To obtain a student ID, bring your identification card such as a Driver's License, AND a copy of your current class schedule.
  • The initial card is free of charge. Replacement cards will cost $5 each.    
  • Student IDs are valid for one academic year and are available at the Welcome Center in Ruby Hicks Hall, Plaza Level (next to TC Central) on the Pendleton campus. On the Anderson, Easley, and Oconee campuses, Student IDs are available at the Front Desk.
Payment Male Student At Cashier Window In Ruby Hicks 49204367282 O

Tuition Payment

Paying your tuition on-time is incredibly important to ensure that you are able to maintain your schedule. To view your bill, log into MyTCTC and click on the My Payments Tile. You may pay your tuition and fees by cash, check or credit/debit card. The College accepts Visa, Discover, MasterCard, and American Express. (Companies may be billed with appropriate authorization. Contact the Business Office for details.)

  • Pay your student account balance online using an e-check, credit card or debit card. There is a 2.91% service fee when paying by credit or debit card. This service is available in MyTCTC under the My Payments Tile, Make an Online Payment.
  • Paying In-Person: Pay with cash/check at the Business Office in Ruby Hicks Hall on the Pendleton Campus, or at our Anderson, Easley or Oconee Campus locations.
  • Paying by Mail: Send your check or money order to TCTC Business Office, PO Box 587, Pendleton SC 29670. Be sure to include your full name.

Tuition payment deadlines for Spring 2025 are:

Course Registration ActivityPayment Deadline
If you Register or make schedule changes: On or before December 176:00 pm, Tuesday, December 17
December 18 - January 136:00 pm, Monday, January 13
January 14 - January 17 (refers to schedule changes ONLY)2:00 pm, Friday, January 17


Tuition payment deadlines for Summer 2025 are:

Course Registration ActivityPayment Deadline
If you Register or make schedule changes: On or before May 136:00 pm, Tuesday, May 13
May 14 - May 19 (includes schedule changes)6:00 pm, Monday, May 19
May 20 - May 23 (includes schedule changes)2:00 pm, Friday, May 23

Payment Plan 

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)



Parking permits are mandatory for all students and employees. Visit the My Payments tile in MyTCTC or click the link to obtain a parking permit, and follow the online instructions. Permits will be mailed as soon as the transaction has been completed. Once this is done, you may print the confirmation e-mail and place it on the dash of your vehicle until the permit arrives.  Per Campus Police, the parking permit is to be displayed on the bottom left side back window (if there is already a permit in that location, please display in the same area). Parking permits expire at the end of the Summer term. 

Handicap parking spaces are provided for vehicles that have a state permanent or temporary license plate or hangtag issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Temporary handicap permits can be issued by Student Services for a short term.  You must provide a physician statement that states special parking is needed.

Students Contact: Accessibility Resource Center


Office: 864-646-1569                                                                

Location: SC125                                                     

If you have any questions, contact Campus Police at 846-646-1800.



Order textbooks by:

  • visiting the Campus Store in person on the Pendleton Campus

  • ordering online at for purchase or rent (selected titles) and receive them via in-store pickup, Community Campus pickup, or home delivery.


Attend and Get Involved!

Class attendance is crucial to your success in the classroom, and participation in College activities will add to your overall experience. So attend and get involved!

Download the CampusGroups App to keep up with the all the happenings around Tri-County!