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Advising Considerations

The following considerations are not meant to serve as a checklist of requirements. Rather, these considerations are a resource to gain a more comprehensive view of the individual circumstances that influence student success.


Academic Goals

  • Is taking the recommended credit hours helping the student to meet an immediate academic goal, such as LIFE, Bridge, financial aid, graduation, or transfer requirements?
  • Is taking the recommended number of credit hours recommended in the curriculum?

Current GPA and semester hours (continuing, returning, or transfer students)

  • Has the student successfully completed a semester of coursework (No D, W, or F’s)?
  • Is the student in good academic standing?
    • If not, will successfully completing the recommended credit hours return the student to good standing in one semester?

Financial Aid Status

  • Is the student in good financial aid standing?
    • If not, will successfully completing the recommended credit hours return the student to good standing in one semester?
  • Does the student have the means to pay for tuition, fees, and material costs?

Outside Commitments

  • Does the student have a job off-campus? On-campus employment should also be considered, but may yield more latitude than off-campus employment.
  • Is the student involved in extracurricular activities (church, band, dance, sports, etc.)?
  • Does the student have family responsibilities such as caring for, or providing support, for children, parents, siblings, and/or other family members?

Personal Support Resources

  • Does the student have a personal laptop with reliable internet access?
  • Does the student have all required course materials and text?
  • Does the student have reliable transportation and housing?
  • Does the student have effective and consistent study habits?
  • Does the student have self-management skills to balance the demands of outside commitments and coursework?

Personal Support Network

  • Does the student have at least one personal person of support?
  • Does the student have at least one faculty or staff person of support?
    • Faculty/staff person of support can be defined as simply as one contact from whom the student feels comfortable asking for help.