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Advisor Checklist

Student Advising Profile Page:

(Access via the Advising Profile tile of MyTCTC)

  • Verify TCTC Major.
  • Review Academic standing and cumulative GPA.
  • Review class schedule for the term selected.
  • Check for registration holds. The payment plan hold does not restrict registration.

Review/Update Educational Goals link:

  • Complete/update educational goals for the upcoming term. If all of the information is unchanged, update by entering the upcoming term and save.
    • Student should only have one primary goal. List additional goals as secondary goals.
    • Verify/enter the transfer major and institution.
    • Identify/verify the current circumstance that the student sees as the most likely barrier to reaching their goal.
    • Discuss additional circumstances (preferences, preferred campus, schedule restrictions, work, social, and family commitments, etc.) that will affect scheduling, course delivery modes, course load, etc. with the student.                  

Supplemental Information link:

  • Review FA standing.
  • Check for LIFE scholarship award/eligibility.
  • Check Financial Aid Requirements and Eligibility.
  • Review HS information for Multiple Measures and LIFE eligibility. If the student has an in-progress transcript, placement may change once we receive the final transcript.
  • Review Prior College Information. Transcript received and reviewed status inform whether a college transcript has been reviewed and reviewed. A transcript that has not been received/reviewed will not have a date(s) listed.
  • Verify math and English requirements for TCTC major and transfer major.
  • Review placement levels. Consult the appropriate math flowchart if unsure of progression.
  • Review comments from previous advising sessions.

Additional Information, as applicable

  • Review Course Repeats. Repeat courses should be addressed.
  • Review Major Changes. Three or more changes and cross-divisional changes should be addressed.
  • Verify Course Overrides. Overrides must be entered for fast track, Express track, and co-requisite course options.
  • Review Student Account Information for outstanding balances and financial aid awards.


  • Review Prior Credit (transfer, course exemptions, previous enrollment, AP, etc.)
  • Recommend courses in alignment with the degree audit that reflect placement, TCTC and transfer major curriculum requirements, prior credit, and LIFE requirements.
  • Complete/update educational plan.

Set RAN (Registration Access number) for Registration:

  • Set for RAN for the upcoming registration semester(s). The RAN has to be set in order for the student to register. Notifications/Errors/Instructions will appear in red type.


  • Advising Sheet
    • Ensure that all pertinent information has been documented on the advising sheet.
    • Offer the student an opportunity to ask questions, or seek clarification.
    • Sign, have the student sign, and give the student a copy.
  • Comments (SPACMNT):
    • Enter comments summarizing the advising session, including directives and referrals recommended to the student.