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Find out today how an education at TCTC will get you ready for an immediate career path.
With dozens of clubs and organizations here, we make it easy to get involved!
The South Carolina Illegal Immigration Reform Act (S. C. Code Ann. §59-101-430 (Westlaw 2008)) prohibits those unlawfully present in the United States from attending a public institution of higher education in South Carolina and from receiving a public higher education benefit.
Tri-County Technical College verifies the citizenship or legal presence of all students. Any student providing false information related to citizenship or legal presence may be subject to dismissal from the college. Any student who is found to be unlawfully present in the United States will be dismissed from the college.
In addition to using the FAFSA, TCTC uses driver's license information provided on the Admissions application to verify citizenship or legal presence. If a student did not complete the FAFSA or provide complete driver's license information on the Admissions application, he/she will be required to complete a form and provide one of the following documents for verification purposes:
If you are a US citizen, you must also submit one of the following:
If you are a permanent resident, you must also submit one of the following:
If you are a valid visa holder, you must also submit the following: