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Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) is an organization that actively supports a wide variety of cultural, social, and civic activities as it promotes the welfare of all students. Each TCTC student is automatically a member of the SGA. Meetings are held every Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. on the Pendleton campus and monthly at Anderson and Easley campuses. Meetings are open and all students are invited to attend. For more information, contact Mark Dougherty

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Alpha Zeta Beta

Alpha Zeta Beta is the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, a national honor fraternity for junior college students. Its purposes are to recognize and encourage scholarship and to provide opportunities for the development of leadership and service. To be eligible for membership, a student must be enrolled in an associate degree program, must have accumulated 12 hours, and must have achieved and maintained a GPR of at least 3.50.

Membership is recognition of intellectual achievement while a student is enrolled in a two-year college, and provides opportunities for leadership and service locally, regionally, and nationally. A member of Phi Theta Kappa receives copies of two publications, 3.5 Plus and The Golden Key. In addition, members have the opportunity to participate in two major meetings annually, the National Convention, and the Honors Institute, which is a week-long meeting at which an honors program topic is explored. For information contact Amy Borders at

Cornerstone Bible Study

Cornerstone Bible Club

Cornerstone was created to provide regular opportunities for students to read God’s Word, pray and worship together. It encourages fellowship and spiritual growth among peers. Cornerstone meets weekly and invites students to attend special live Bible presentations in Fall and Spring. Contact advisor, Chalmers Vandeusen at for more information.

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Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Association

The Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Association is a professional organization for current full-time Dental Assisting students. They are eligible for membership into the American Dental Assisting Association, which is the national organization which provides many opportunities for the students. Student benefits include the Dental Assisting Journal, continuing education, affiliation with the state and local component, reduced fees for meetings, insurance programs, scholarship eligibility, internet resume posting, and many other opportunities. The mission of this organization is to involve Dental Assisting students in promoting the art and science of the Dental Assisting profession while contributing to the improvement of the public health. This is a unique opportunity for students to be involved with their professional society and to recognize their potential as an organizational unit. For information, contact Mandy Hanks at


Future Laboratory Professionals Association

Students enrolled in the Medical Laboratory Technology program are eligible for student membership in the South Carolina Society of Clinical Laboratory Science. Student members may participate at reduced rates in conventions and receive a professional journal. In addition, the society keeps students abreast of the latest lab procedures, books and audiovisuals, and scholarships available. For information, contact Jennifer Porter at

Hip Hop Collective

Hip Hop Collective

This club focuses on music relative to hip-hop culture, which includes, in addition to rap, new jack swing, dancehall, and other musical styles, breakdancing, graffiti, hip-hop-fashion, and linguistic innovation. The Hip Hop Collective promotes discussions on the influence of hip hop in American Culture. Contact advisor, Aristide Sechandice at for more information.

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Learning Beyond Campus

TCTC’s Learning Beyond Campus (LBC) club focuses on learning opportunities beyond the classroom. In particular, we are known for the LBC Boston trip. This trip provides a method to gain college credit while exploring the greater Boston area. Gain credit for Early American History (HIS 201) and Early American Literature (ENG 201) through experiential learning. Contact Alex Eaton at for more information.


Medical Assisting Student Association

The goal of the Medical Assisting Student Association (MASA) of Tri-County Technical College is to teach medical assisting students about their profession of Medical Assisting, organization, and the importance of giving back through Service Learning. By doing so, they are able to enhance and demonstrate the knowledge, skills and professionalism required by employers and patients. Students learn how to be advocates for patients and protect their right to practice while promoting effective, efficient health care delivery as recognized by passing their national certification and use of their credential, the Certified Medical Assistant, CMA(AAMA). The Association also teaches students how to pursue continuing education after graduation and introduces them to their professional state (SCSMA) society and National (AAMA) organization, while encouraging membership to receive all the benefits they provide. For more information, please email Laura L. McClain at   

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Men of Color

Our goal is to illuminate the pathway of academic and career achievement for African-American and Minority male students through academic success. For more information please contact Travis Durham at

Model UN

Model United Nations

The purpose of TCTC's Model UN is provide a co-curricular learning opportunity to develop research, writing, leadership, public speaking and diplomacy skills to students. Students participate in debates and work on conflict resolutions through interactive academic simulations based on real world actions of the United Nations. Each member is invited to serve as a diplomat at the regional and national conference. Participation in this club employs cross-curriculum learning beyond the classroom. Students can engage with other colleges and universities nationally and internationally with opportunities to be recognized for excellence. Contact advisor, Veronica Luckow at for more information.

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National Society of Leadership and Success

The NSLS is the largest leadership honor society in the United States. Our NSLS chapter at Tri-County Technical College was started in 2016. Our local chapter is part of the national organization with 700+ chapters and over 1.4 million members. 

Students are selected based on exemplary academic achievement and leadership potential. As of 2021, we have 1,212 members who have access to:

The NSLS leadership program teaches the interpersonal skills that employers seek to give you an edge in the job market. Hear directly from current members as they share how their experience has changed their life.

If you become a member, some of the other benefits are:

  • Learn from exceptional leaders like former President Barack Obama during exclusive Speaker Broadcasts.
  • Meet new friends and make lifelong connections (on-campus and virtually).
  • Overcome challenges with success coaches shortcutting your way to success.
  • Access to private networking events.

Visit the NSLS website to learn more about and accept your nomination. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

Some of the common questions we receive are listed below. If you have any other questions, visit to chat with a team member or email

What do I have to do to become inducted?

Our five-step program takes approximately 12 hours over the course of the semester at your pace. 

Is this recognized on campus?

We are a Registered Student Organization (RSO). As of 2021, we had  1,212 members in our chapter and there are more than 1.4 million members nationwide.

Contact Kari Logan, TCTC NSLS Advisor, with any questions at


SCNAVTA (Student Chapter – National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America)

Leadership is vitally important for any profession. Our NAVTA (National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America) Student Chapter (SCNAVTA) enables students to experience the responsibilities that go along with being a member of a profession along with a professional organization. These responsibilities include planning activities that promote veterinary technology, giving back to the community through volunteer efforts, holding an elected office, following a constitution and setting a budget. Involvement in these activities while in school fosters the development of leaders within the profession. For more information, contact Stephanie Brown at

Psi Beta Inductees

Psi Beta

Psi Beta is a national honor society for students attending two-year colleges, inviting students who plan to major or minor in psychology, as well as students who simply have an interest in psychology. Our chapters focus is service learning in the Tri-County service areas. We hold meetings twice a month on Wednesdays. Induction for new students will be in April 2022.  Current member eligibility requirements if you are interested are the following:


  1. Completed at least one college psychology course with a grade of B or higher
  2. Cumulative minimum GPA of 3.25 based upon 12 or more degree-applicable college units
  3. Good standing in the community (no incarceration, college suspensions, etc.)


For more information contact Mystic Finster, PSI BETA Advisor, at


Psychology Club

The Psychology Club is open to any and all students who have an interest in psychology.  Students are offered opportunities to explore the vast field of psychology and all that it can offer, to help promote awareness and interest in psychology at TCTC, to socialize with other students interested in psychology, and to interact with experts in various areas of psychology. Contact Rhonda Whitten, Ph.D. at and Amanda Karagnaov at



Because of a special arrangement with Clemson University, you may take Air Force or Army ROTC while enrolled at Tri-County Technical College. You may register at Tri-County for ROTC courses by fitting the ROTC courses around your Tri-County schedule. (Note: ROTC courses follow the academic calendar at Clemson University.) Each freshman and sophomore course meets one hour per week, in addition to a leadership lab. The courses present the organization and mission of the US military forces, and they give you the opportunity to expand your leadership abilities. For those whose goal is a commission in the Air Force or Army, transfer to a four-year college or university offering ROTC is mandatory. Those taking the ROTC courses only in the first two years will receive elective credit.

Scholarships are available for students enrolled in Air Force and Army ROTC who have been accepted to Clemson and will attend in their junior year. Once enrolled at Clemson as a junior and senior, those cadets on contract with the Air Force ROTC program, can receive a progressive monthly stipend starting at $350 per month, capping at $400 per month.

ROTC is open to males and females who meet physical standards and who maintain a GPA of 2.0. For more information and/or details on enrolling, contact the Clemson University Army ROTC office at 864-656-3107 or the Clemson University Air Force ROTC office at (864) 656-3254.



SOLACE is a student club that creates a safe environment for LGBTQ+ and allied students, faculty, and staff at Tri-County Technical College. This club will foster advocacy, inclusivity and community within the organization and TCTC community. The club provides entertaining and educational programming for all students, faculty, and staff at TCTC. In addition, the SOLACE group is also a safe and inclusive space for students to share ideas and express themselves. For information, contact Travis Durham at


Spanish Club

The purpose of the Spanish Club "Las Americas" is to provide TCTC's students opportunities to develop their Spanish language skills and awareness of Spanish speaking cultures through the formal and informal use of the language during meetings and activities. For information, contact Trini Tumlin at


Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association (SNA) of Tri-County Technical College is a professional organization composed of pre-nursing, auditing, advanced placement LPNs and generic nursing students that provides constituency on the state and national levels of SNA. The purpose of SNA is to promote the professional development of nursing students by providing interaction between students at Tri-County and other students throughout South Carolina and the United States. This is done through workshops, newsletters, and service projects. For information, contact Stacy Smith at

Surgical Technology Association

Surgical Technology Association

The purpose of the Surgical Technology Student Organization is for Surgical Technology students at TCTC to contribute to the community by increasing awareness, developing leadership, promoting confidence and making a difference in their field. Surge Tech members are also given the opportunity to attend workshops offered by the State Chapter.

Contact advisor, Miranda Crawley-Fowler at for more information.


Student Veterans of America

The TCTC Student Veterans of America (SVA) is committed to empowering student veterans and providing an educational experience that goes beyond the classroom. Through a dedicated network of more than 1,500 on-campus chapters in all 50 states and 4 countries representing more than 750,000 student veterans, SVA aims to inspire by connecting student veterans with a community of like-minded leaders. These passionate leaders work to provide the necessary resources, network support, and advocacy to ensure student veterans can effectively connect, expand their skills, and ultimately achieve their greatest potential. For more information, contact Stacey Frank at, Harold Chalmers at, or Travis Durham at


Tri-County Association of Political Scientists (TAPS)

TAPS is an organization aimed at encouraging student involvement in the political process, government, and local community. The goals of this organization are to encourage students to register to vote, to encourage students to vote and to become involved in the election process, and to encourage students to become informed on current political issues. Members of TAPS help coordinate annual voter registration drives, provide a forum for the discussion of political issues and events, and invite guest speakers to campus. They also get involved with community service in the Tri-County area. For more information, please contact Lara Wrightson at or Mia Tensley at


Technology Club

The purpose of the Technology Club at Tri-County Technical College, or TC3, as we sometimes call ourselves, is to promote interest and research in technology and technology-based job skills. Members have the opportunity to plan for and participate in various meetings, projects, activities, and events. The technology club is open to all interested TCTC students. For more information contact Suzanne Konieczny at or (864) 646-1319.

Visions Art Club

Visions Art Club

Visions: Art Club provides a creative, safe environment for current students, faculty, staff, and administration and encourages them to express themselves through various artistic mediums. Club members participate in a variety of social events that promote belonging, spark creativity and showcase their talents. Contact advisor, Jesse Morgan at for more information.

Women Of Color

Women of Color

The Women of Color student advisory board is designed to empower the Women of Color of Tri-County Technical College through education, mentoring, and peer collaboration. Contact advisor, Mia Tensley at for more information.