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Men of Color Fall 2024 Events

Date & Time



August 23
7:30-10:30 a.m.

Breakfast Club

Pendleton Campus

September 3
11 a.m.-1 p.m.

Tent Tuesday

Pendleton Campus

September 19
12:30-1:30 p.m.

Communication: Securing the Bag

Pendleton Campus, SSC 313

October 23
12:30-1:30 p.m.

Be Your Own Boss

Pendleton Campus, SSC 313

November 7
11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Men of Color Luncheon

Pendleton Campus, AHEC

November 20
12:30-1:30 p.m. 

STEM: Is That for Me?

Pendleton Campus, SSC 313


For more information, please contact one of the following:

Brian Smith ( or 864.646.1887) or Dr. Jackie Blakley ( or 864.646.1305)

Our Mission

To illuminate the pathway of academic and career achievement for African-American and Minority male students through academic success.


Our Vision

To empower minority men by cultivating and showcasing leadership skills and developing intentional practices to achieve success.


Our Values

Responsibility: Young men taking an active role in their academic pursuits and realizing they are accountable for their academic success.

Integrity: To be honest and consistent while displaying ethical principles and strong morals.

Leadership: To set an example that inspires others to become confident leaders.

Commitment: To display unwavering dedication to academic and career achievement.

To Be an Active Participant of the MOC Mentor/Mentee Program

  • Fully participate in mentor/mentee relationship and MOC activities (Ex. Workshops, group outings, etc.)
  • Seek feedback and advice relative to your personal, educational, and career goals
  • Fully respect your mentor and accept both honest and constructive feedback and advice
  • Complete tasks and duties assigned by your mentor that align with the MOC mission, vision, and values

If you are interested in having a Mentor, please complete the form below:

We Are Seeking Mentors for Our MOC Program

  • Availability & Communication: Establish availability with mentee (Ex. Discuss dates/times that accommodate both mentor and mentee) 
  • Advocacy: Provide guidance and offer honest and constructive feedback and/or suggestions relating to personal, educational and career goals
  • Role Model: Lead by example – let all actions support the MOC mission, vision, and values
  • Be Informed: Stay informed on current events and topics that may impact your mentee

If you are interested in being a Mentor, apply by completing this form:

Brian SmithDr. Brian Smith

Director of Adjunct Faculty and Student Support, Mentor


August JohnsonAugust Johnson

Business Administration Instructor, Mentor


Travis DurhamTravis Durham

Director of Student Engagement and Accountability, Mentor


Dr. Jackie BlakleyDr. Jackie Blakley

 Dean of Business and Public Services
