Parking Permits
Parking permits are mandatory for anyone that drives a vehicle and parks on any TCTC campus. To purchase parking permits, go to the My Payments Tile in MyTCTC.
Visitor spaces are for visitors only. Students and employees are not allowed to park in a visitor space for any reason.
Permits are available as soon as the payment transaction is complete.
Student Pick-Up Information
Pendleton Campus -Campus Store – Student Success Center, Plaza level
Anderson Campus - AC 118 - Campus Police Office
Easley Campus - EC 100 - Campus Police Office
Oconee - OC 106 - Campus Police Office
Employee Pick-Up Information
Employee permits at the Pendleton Campus will be sent through inner office mail
Employees at the Community Campuses may pick up the permit on those campuses.
If your car has a permit and you drive a different vehicle, you must notify Campus Police to obtain a temporary parking permit. The temporary permit is to be displayed on the front driver’s side dash.
Parking Regulations, Speed Limit, and Traffic Penalties
All SC Code of Laws are enforced on every TCTC Campus.
As outlined on the College campus map, parking has been designated in various lots for students, visitors, employees, and handicapped individuals. Any person enrolled in classes or employed by the College may not use "visitor" spaces. The College does not guarantee parking spaces; however, adequate parking areas have been reserved for students.
Click the link for Campus Map
Vehicles are to be parked in a legal space with the traffic flow in parallel-parking areas.
Backing into a parking space is forbidden for one-way access roads.
Students, and employees are to follow general parking rules, which include not parking on sidewalks, yellow curbs, lawn or grassed areas, in reserved spaces, crosswalks, driveways or intersections, or in any other "No Parking" zones.
All vehicles must be legally parked in one parking space.
Accessible Parking
Handicap parking spaces are provided for vehicles that have a state permeant or temporary license plate or hang tag issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Persons issued permanent or temporary hang tags must still obtain a TCTC parking permit.
Temporary handicap parking permits can be issued for a limited time period. You must provide a physician’s statement that request special parking is needed. If you are granted temporary handicap parking privileges a space will be reserved for you that will indicate the dates and time you will be parking in the reserved space.
Students must contact Student Services:
Employees must contact Human Resources
Speed Limit and Traffic Penalties
Traffic on the road from the corner of Miller Hall to the entrance of Student Parking Area "E" (Front Drive) is one way, and the speed limit is 15 mph. The speed limit in all parking lots is 15 mph. The speed limit on Perimeter Road is 20 mph. Violations of traffic and/or parking violations are subject to a warning, fine, booting, or towing of the vehicle. Parking fines are $25, $50. $100 fines are assessed for illegal handicap parking and Tobacco use on campus. Towing cost is at the owner's expense. Towing is the penalty for repeat offenders, for blocking traffic or another vehicle, or for parking in unauthorized parking spaces. All appeals of parking penalties must be made online within seven (7) business days of the date of citation.
Responsibility for Parking/Traffic Violations
The operator and/or owner or person in whose name a motor vehicle is registered shall be responsible for all citations incurred by the vehicle. All drivers to the campuses of Tri-County Technical College are responsible for all violations created by the driver even if it is in different vehicles. If the parking violator is known to be a student, then the student shall be responsible. If you have obtained a parking permit and have to drive a vehicle that a permit has not been issued for, you may go to the Campus Police Office at any campus and pick up a temporary parking permit. Vehicles that have just been purchased and have a 30-45-day tag may park in student or employee spaces without a parking permit. Please obtain a permit once the permanent license plate has been issued.
Notice of Violations
Campus Police may issue parking citations or warning notices for violations of parking regulations. Lawful issuance of a parking citation is a notice of violation of the parking regulations and notice of the right to appeal the citation within ten (10) days after the date of violation. Any person cited for a violation of the parking regulations may waive the right to appeal by paying the assessed penalty. All unpaid parking citations for which the appeals process has not been initiated after ten (10) days are considered past due.
Schedule of Violations
$30 Fines
No College Permit
Expired College Permit
Parked Across the line
Permit Improperly Displayed
$60 Fines
Parked in an Employee Space / Visitor Space / Reserved Space
Parked in Crosswalk / Service Area / No Parking Zone
Blocking / Obstructing Traffic
Parked on Curb / Sidewalk / Grass / Lawn
Backed in a Parking Space on a One-Way Road Access
Improperly Parked
Not Parked in a Legal Space
$100 Fines
Illegally Parked in a Handicap Space
No Handicap License Plate / Placard / Permit
Expired Handicap License Plate / Placard / Permit
Improperly Displayed Handicap License Plate / Placard / Permit
Parked in Stiped Area beside the Handicap Space
The use of any type of tobacco product to include vaping and e-cigarettes
Delinquent Violations
Persons who fail to pay the assessed penalty or fail to complete an online Citation Appeal within ten (10) calendar days after the date of the parking violation have waived any right to appeal the citation. Persons with three (3) or more past due parking citations (citations which have not been paid and for which the appellate process has not been initiated within ten (10) calendar days of the date of violation) are subject to having the vehicle towed if parked on campus. The Chief of Campus Police will analyze citation data weekly to identify vehicles that have accrued three (3) or more unpaid citations.
Motor Vehicle Towing *IMPORTANT*
Tri-County Technical College may have a motor vehicle towed at the owner's expense and risk under the following conditions:
If the motor vehicle is illegally parked;
If the motor vehicle is presumed to be abandoned;
If the motor vehicle is not properly registered to include proper license plates and current decal or permit;
If the motor vehicle is parked in such a manner as to constitute a serious hazard to vehicular or pedestrian traffic, obstructing movement or operation of emergency equipment, obstructing the collections of trash at established locations, or parked in a marked fire lane;
If three (3) or more parking tickets issued against an operator, owner, or vehicle are past due and the vehicle is parked in violation of the College's parking regulations again; If a vehicle is parked in a reserved space/area without an appropriate decal or permit. Motor vehicles that have been towed for any of the above reasons will not be allowed back on campus property until all past due parking violations have been paid debit or credit card online or with cash or check to the Cashier’s Office located in the Ruby Hicks Administration Building.
Towing Authorization
Any officer requesting to have a vehicle towed must receive authorization from the Chief of Police for TCTC. If the reason for towing is accrual of past due tickets, then the Chief of Police for TCTC must confirm that the tickets have not been paid and that the appeals process has not been initiated. Tickets written within the past seven (7) days are not to be counted in the past due total.
Towing Services
Towing of vehicles from campus will be done by a qualified towing service that meets the insurance liability criteria and facilities requirements set forth by the South Carolina Department of Public Safety. Towing service providers will be selected from shops closest to the campus that are already a service provider for the State. Tow service providers will be reviewed by the Chief of Police for TCTC before an agreement is made for towing services. Under no circumstances will the college or any member of the College be liable for damages or fees incurred from towing a vehicle from the campus. Towed vehicles will not be released until the towing service and Tri-County Technical College have been paid or upon approval of the Chief of Police for TCTC.
Statutory Authority
Section 56-21-10 South Carolina Code of Laws 1976 as amended: "Governing boards of State institutions may employ security personnel and make traffic regulations. The governing boards of all State institutions which provide for the operation and parking of vehicles upon the grounds, streets, drives and alleys or any other institutional property under its control are hereby authorized to employ security personnel and to promulgate such traffic regulations as may be deemed necessary. Such regulations may include the following:
(1) Fixing the rate of speed;
(2) Assigning parking spaces and designating parking areas and assessing charges;
(3) Prohibiting parking in certain areas;
(4) Removing vehicles parked in violation of regulations at the expense of the violator;
(5) Instituting a system of registration for vehicle identification;
(6) Issuing parking and traffic citations."
Permits are not campus specific and are valid at all TCTC campuses.
You may pick up permits at any campus even if you do not have classes at the specific campus. (ex: if you have classes at Pendleton campus and live closer to the Anderson campus).
MyTCTC/My Payments/Pay for Parking decals and tickets.
Once a parking permit is ordered no refunds are given as TCTC uses a third-party vendor for the purchase of permits.
No, motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles are not required to register with the campus police office.
It is important that your license plate and vehicle information is current and correct to avoid a citation. Please update your information immediately after any change in the license plate number.
Yes. Students and employees are required to purchase and display a TCTC parking permit even when displaying a disability-access parking placard or license plate.
Students are to park in a student space no matter which campus they attend.
A citation violation is when a driver disobeys the parking and permit policy set forth by the College. It is the responsibility of all drivers parking on campus to know the policy.