Find out today how an education at TCTC will get you ready for an immediate career path.
With dozens of clubs and organizations here, we make it easy to get involved!
Find out today how an education at TCTC will get you ready for an immediate career path.
With dozens of clubs and organizations here, we make it easy to get involved!
Looking for a Career Opportunity Centered on Your Studies?
Career and Employability Resources (CER) is hosting a Career Fair. Employers from various local industries will be present. All students are welcome to attend.
Dress to impress and bring 8 to 10 copies of your resume.
CER provides resume and interviewing resources to strengthen your skills and aid in securing employment. If you would like your resume reviewed or complete a mock interview prior to the Career Fair, email or call 864-646-1577.
Monday, October 14, 2024
9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Anderson Hall Event Center (AHEC)
Pendleton Campus