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Standards of Academic Progress

PurposeThe purpose of having standards of academic progress is to assist students in attaining their educational goals by providing a scale by which to measure progress toward graduation. A minimum institutional grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 is used at the College to determine satisfactory academic standing. Students who fall below this standard will be subject to institutional intervention strategies.

RequirementsIn order to remain in good standing, a student enrolled in classes and pursuing an associate degree, diploma, or certificate must achieve and maintain a minimum of a 2.0 institutional GPA, excluding exempted or transfer hours.

Other programs may have internally or externally mandated requirements that must be met. Such requirements are published in the Catalog in the section for those specific academic majors. Students participating in Federal Financial Aid or other student aid programs are subject to specific satisfactory academic progress requirements that impact continued eligibility. The College administers financial aid programs according to the regulations set forth by the United States Department of Education and other regulatory bodies. These requirements are articulated in the Satisfactory Academic Progress Federal and Other Student Aid Programs policy.

Academic Standing1. Good Standing: To maintain Good Standing, a student must meet the minimum institutional GPA requirements as stated above.
2. Warning: A student previously in Good Standing who falls below the minimum institutional GPA requirements as stated above will be placed on Warning for their next term of enrollment. A student who achieves a 2.0 institutional GPA at the end of their Warning term is placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0, and the term GPA is 2.0 or above, the student will be placed in Academic Recovery (Warning) and are assigned an Academic Recovery Advisor.
3. Academic Recovery (Warning): A student previously in Academic Recovery (Warning) who achieves an institutional GPA of 2.0, will be placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is above 2.0, the standing of Academic Recovery (Warning) and Academic Recovery Advisor are retained. If both the institutional and term GPA are below 2.0, the student is placed into Probation.
4. Probation: A student who has been on Academic Recovery Warning for the preceding semester and whose institutional and term GPA do not meet the minimum requirements will be placed on Probation for their next term of enrollment. A student who achieves a 2.0 institutional GPA at the end of their Probation term is placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is above 2.0, the student will be placed in Academic Recovery (Probation) and assigned an Academic Recovery Advisor. If the student’s institutional and term GPA are both below 2.0, the student is placed into Academic Suspension.
5. Academic Recovery (Probation): A student previously in Academic Recovery (Probation) who achieves an institutional GPA of 2.0 or above will be placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is above 2.0, the standing of Academic Recovery (Probation) and Academic Recovery Advisor are retained. If both the institutional and term GPA are below 2.0, the student is placed into Academic Suspension.
6. Suspension: A student whose institutional and term GPA, at the end of the term of Academic Recovery (Probation), do not meet the minimum requirements will be placed on Suspension and will not be permitted to register for the following academic term. The student’s first eligible term to return, they will be placed on a status of Return from Suspension.
7. Return from Suspension: A student previously in Return from Suspension, who achieves an institutional GPA of 2.0 or above will be placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is 2.0 or above, the student is placed into Academic Recovery (Suspension) and an Academic Recovery Advisor is assigned. If both the institutional and term GPA are below 2.0, the student is placed into Academic Dismissal.
8. Academic Recovery (Suspension): A student previously in Academic Recovery (Suspension), who achieves an institutional GPA of 2.0 or above will be placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is 2.0 or above, the standing of Academic Recovery (Suspension) and Academic Recovery Advisor are retained. If both the institutional and term GPA are below 2.0, the student is placed into Academic Dismissal.
9. Academic Dismissal: The student is dismissed from the institution. The student has the right to appeal to return to the college at the discretion of the Academic Appeals Committee. If the appeal is approved and the student is permitted to return to the institution, they will be placed on a status of Return from Dismissal. If the appeal is denied, the student has the right to appeal to the president, whose decision is final.
10. Return from Dismissal: A student previously in Return from Dismissal who achieves an institutional GPA of 2.0 or above will be placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is 2.0 or above, the student is placed into Academic Recovery (Dismissal) and an Academic Recovery Advisor is assigned. If both the institutional and term GPA are below 2.0, the student is placed back into Academic Dismissal.
11. Academic Recovery (Dismissal): A student previously in Academic Recovery (Dismissal), who achieves an institutional GPA of 2.0 or above will be placed back in Good Standing. If the institutional GPA is below 2.0 and the term GPA is 2.0 or above, the standing of Academic Recovery (Dismissal) and Academic Recovery Advisor are retained. If both the institutional and term GPA are below 2.0, the student is placed into Academic Dismissal.

Determination of Academic Progress1. Academic standing is determined during end-of-term processing; at which point, students are coded as follows:
      a. Warning
      b. Academic Recovery (Warning)
      c. Probation
      d. Academic Recovery (Probation)
      e. Suspension
      f. Return from Suspension
      g. Academic Recovery (Suspension)
      h. Academic Dismissal
      i. Return from Academic Dismissal
      j. Academic Dismissal (Recovery)

Students will be notified by the Chief Academic Officer or designee via an approved method of notification of their current academic standing and the requirements that must be completed prior to registering for a future term. The student’s status will be indicated on their permanent academic record. Registration will be prevented for students on academic suspension and dismissal until they have satisfied all requirements as outlined below.

Requirements of Students on WarningA student placed on Warning is encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to discuss the factors affecting their academic performance. When advisors meet with students, they will discuss various factors affecting academic performance, which may include the following:

   1. Availability of Student Support Resources services (including general wellness and counseling, career counseling, accessibility resources, etc.)
   2. Benefits of reduced academic load, if applicable
   3. Need for developmental courses, if applicable
   4. Importance of consistent class attendance and completing on time any course assignments and homework
   5. Importance of and attainment of effective study skills (including benefits of enrolling in COL 103 or COL 105)
   6. Importance of and attainment of effective time management skills
   7. Availability of tutoring services and other support services (Tutoring Center, Supplemental Instruction, Flex Lab, Skill Shops, etc.)
   8. Minimum institutional GPA that must be achieved at the end of the term in order to restore good standing
   9. Effect on GPA of repeating courses
   10. Impact of registration holds

Requirements of Students on Academic RecoveryStudents on Academic Recovery will be assigned an Academic Recovery advisor who will
work in coordination with the student’s Student Success Network. The Academic Recovery advisor will create an Academic Recovery plan that outlines appropriate actions
the students must complete over the course of the term. Reference suggested actions as noted above. The Academic Recovery Advisor will follow-up during regularly scheduled meetings with the student to ensure the student is meeting the requirements for their Academic Recovery term.

Requirements of Students on ProbationStudents who do not meet both the minimum required institutional GPA and the minimum required term GPA at the end of an Academic Recovery (Warning) term will be placed on Probation for the following term. If the student is already registered for the next term, the student will be encouraged to meet with the academic advisor to determine whether any schedule adjustments are needed. If the student is not registered, they must meet with their assigned advisor prior to registering. The advisor will discuss with the student their academic progress.

Requirements of Students on SuspensionStudents who do not meet both the minimum required institutional GPA and the minimum required term GPA at the end of an Academic Recovery (Probation) term will be placed on Suspension for the following term and will not be permitted to create or retain registration for the following academic term. During the registration period for the term following the Suspension term, students must meet with their Academic Recovery Advisor to discuss their academic progress and to identify appropriate actions to improve performance.

Students who have completed one term's absence on Suspension will be identified as Return from Suspension for the term in which they return. If at the end of the subsequent term, the minimum required institutional GPA has not been met, but the minimum required term GPA has been met, the student will be placed in Academic Recovery (Suspension). If both the minimum institutional GPA and term GPA requirements have not been achieved at the end of the subsequent term, the student will be dismissed from the College. The student will have the opportunity to appeal the dismissal by meeting with the Academic Appeals Committee.

Academic Appeals CommitteePurpose
The purpose of the Academic Appeals Committee is to hear student requests for reactivation once dismissed after not returning to Good Standing after their Suspension, Return from Suspension, Academic Recovery (Suspension), Return from Dismissal or Academic Recovery (Dismissal) term.

Committee Membership
The Committee will be composed of the following:
• Chief Academic Officer or designee, Chair
• Dean of Students or designee
• One Credit Dean appointed by the Chief Academic Officer
• Three faculty appointed by the Chief Academic Officer Upon written request of the student, an SGA representative may also serve on the Academic Appeals Committee.

Appeals Procedure
At least two (2) weeks prior to the first day of classes of the reactivation term, a student desiring to have their record reactivated must submit to the Chief Academic Officer a petition for reactivation. The petition must include a complete explanation for the student’s poor academic performance and changes to circumstances or behavior that will support the student’s success upon re-enrolling. To the extent possible, verifiable documentation should also be included. The student may appear before the Committee when it convenes.
The Chief Academic Officer will inform the student in writing of the Committee’s decision one (1) week prior to the first day of classes of the reactivation term. If the decision is to allow the student to return, the student will be placed on Return from Dismissal and the Chief Academic Officer will inform the Registrar via email.
Appeals to the President
If the petition is denied, the dismissal may be appealed to the President of the College, whose decision is final.
An appeal may be submitted based on the following grounds:
a. A procedural irregularity affecting the outcome
b. New evidence not available at the time of the determination that could affect the outcome
c. Conflict of interest or bias on the part of a decision-maker which affected the outcome
The petition to the President must be submitted within three (3) business days of receiving the decision of the Academic Appeals Committee. The President will review all related information and will inform the student via an approved method of notification of the final decision no less than ten (10) business days prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student desires to re-enter. A copy of the President's written decision will be sent to the Chief Academic Officer. If the decision is to allow the student to return, the student will be placed on Return from Dismissal and the Chief Academic Officer will inform the Registrar via email.
Subsequent Reactivation
If after one year of no enrollment the student desires to return, /they must submit a request in writing to the Chief Academic Officer at least eight (8) weeks prior to the beginning of the term in which /they desire to enroll. The Chief Academic Officer may request a meeting with the student as part of the decision-making process. The Chief Academic Officer will inform the student of their decision in writing at least four (4) weeks prior to the beginning of the semester. If the decision is to allow the student to return, the student will be placed on Good Standing and the Chief Academic Officer will inform the Registrar via email. Academic standing for prior terms will not be altered in any way. If the Chief Academic Officer denies the appeal, the student may not enroll for one (1) year. After that year, the student must follow the process noted above to submit an appeal.