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Find out today how an education at TCTC will get you ready for an immediate career path.
With dozens of clubs and organizations here, we make it easy to get involved!
State | Link to Complaint Process if Available
Alabama | Link not found for complaint process. |
Alaska | Link not found for complaint process. |
Arizona | A.R.S. § 32-3052 and A.A.C. R4-39-403. |
Arkansas | |
California | |
Colorado | |
Connecticut | |
Delaware | Link not found for complaint process. |
District of Columbia | For complaint process see section 2115 of regulations at the |
Florida | Link not found for complaint process. |
Georgia | |
Hawaii | |
Idaho | |
Illinois | Use institutional ombudsman/Dean/Department head/provost - hotline 217-782-2551 or use this link (Editor's note: This link requests that complaints be directed back to the institution. This might not meet the expectation for the state to have a process to review or address complaints.) |
Indiana | |
Iowa | |
Kansas | |
Kentucky | Link not found for complaint process. |
Louisiana | Link not found for complaint process. |
Maine | Link not found for complaint process. |
Maryland | Link not found for complaint process. |
Massachusetts | Link to Student Complaint Process. |
Michigan | |
Minnesota | |
Mississippi | Link not found for complaint process. |
Missouri | While the department does require students to pursue resolution through institutional processes, which are required as part of the licensure standards, the department does maintain a process for the review of student complaints at licensed schools. Information about that process is not currently available from the department's website but is distributed to students upon request. Missouri Department of Higher Education. |
Montana | Link not found for complaint process. |
Nebraska | Not available online. |
Nevada | |
New Hampshire | Complaints regarding non-compliance with agency New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, made to Executive Director of the Commission. |
New Jersey | Link not found for complaint process. |
New Mexico | Link not found for complaint process. |
New York | |
North Carolina | If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution's grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the following office: Post-Secondary Education Complaints, c/o Assistant Director of Licensure and Workforce Studies, University of North Carolina General Administration. 910 Raleigh Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-2688, telephone (919) 962-4558. The student may contact UNC General Administration for further details. |
North Dakota | Link not found for complaint process. |
Ohio | Not available online. |
Oklahoma | Link not found for complaint process. |
Oregon | Link not found for complaint process. Link to Oregon Student Assistance Commission, Office of Degree Authorization. |
Pennsylvania | Link not found for complaint process. |
Rhode Island | Link not found for complaint process. |
South Carolina | |
South Dakota | Link not found for complaint process. |
Tennessee | The complaint form may be uploaded from the |
Texas | Link not found for complaint process. |
Utah | |
Vermont | Link not found for complaint process. |
Virginia | Link to State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Student Complaint Information Sheet (may need to paste URL in browser). |
Washington | |
West Virginia | Link not found for complaint process. |
Wisconsin | |
Wyoming | Link not found for complaint process. |