Corey Evans Receives Tri-County Technical College’s Presidential Medallion for Instructional Excellence

(By Lisa Garrett)
PENDLETON --- Corey Evans, an instructor in the Humanities department who also teaches developmental English and college skills classes for the Comprehensive Studies department, was honored May 7 with the highest award presented to the faculty. He received the Presidential Medallion for Instructional Excellence at the College's spring commencement.
Dr. Ronnie L. Booth, president, presented the medallion to the Anderson resident. The medallion is presented each year to the instructor who has contributed the most during the academic year to the profession of teaching, to the development of the College and to the students.
Evans began teaching developmental English at Tri-County during the 2005-2006 academic year. Later, after joining the Arts and Sciences Division as a full-time Spanish instructor in January 2010, he revived his interest in teaching developmental English and added college skills and freshman seminar courses for the Comprehensive Studies department into his mix of classes.
Evans is an instructor at both the Anderson and Pendleton campuses.
“Corey is passionate about helping students succeed so he embraces the opportunity to reach as many students as possible in as many ways possible,” said Jennifer Hulehan, who leads the College’s Comprehensive Studies department.
Humanities Department Head Dr. Della Vanhuss echoed her admiration of his dedication to student success. “Corey is an excellent instructor/advisor at the Anderson Campus,” she said, adding, “I appreciate the diversity of his interests and his love for Tri-County Technical College.”
Evans began college at Tri-County where he earned associate in arts and associate in science degrees. He went on to earn a B.A. (double major in Spanish and English) from Clemson University and a master’s in teaching foreign language from the University of Southern Mississippi.
Dr. Vanhuss served as his advisor and department head when he was a student at Tri-County. “I can remember many long conversations about his plans and goals. Tri-County is best served when our faculty/staff believe in the mission of the College. Corey is one of our success stories. He now has the opportunity to show his students how to make their dreams come true.”
Hulehan said he models personal and professional development through lifelong learning. “He takes every opportunity to learn and grow and is one of the most enthusiastic participants at the annual Teaching and Learning workshop. He volunteered to go through extensive training to teach classes (such as Freshman Seminar). Every time he teaches these classes it is a little different because he is continuously learning new things to improve the courses and his teaching methods,” she said.
She continued: “Corey makes himself available to students by offering as many options for individual learning as possible. He engages them in meaningful conversations about their lives, making learning relevant to them and helping them to see it in the context of their day-to-day lives.”
Instructor Tonia Faulling said one of the many reasons Evans helps so many students is because he does not believe in ‘one size fits all’ instruction. “He treats students as individuals and is creative and flexible enough to adapt to any situation,” she said.
“He truly views each class he teaches as a vital component to helping students make the academic, social and cultural transition to college,” said Hulehan.
Evans also serves as a Comprehensive Studies ambassador at the College’s Anderson Campus and ensures that colleagues stay up to date in the latest offerings and helps to advise students.
He also encourages co-curricular learning in Spanish classes by encouraging students to participate in the Spanish Club (he is one of the faculty advisors) and the annual international festival.
One student summed it up when he wrote, “He brought in great resources and people to let us know we do not have to struggle through college, much less struggle alone.”
Evans taught adjunct Spanish classes since 2007 before becoming a full-time instructor at Tri-County. Prior to that, he taught classes at Georgia State University and at Clemson University, where he was a full-time Spanish lecturer. He has studied abroad in Mexico, Chile, and Argentina.
Evans lives in Anderson.