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CONTACT: DR. AHMAD CHAUDHRY, 646-1437 or mchaudhr@tctc.edu

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                      8/16/2019


PENDLETON --- Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry joined Tri-County Technical College July 1 as dean of the Health Education Division.  He replaces Dr. Lynn Lewis, who retired earlier this year.

Tri-County’s Health Education Division includes associate degree nursing, practical nursing, expanded duty dental assisting, medical assisting, medical laboratory technology, surgical technology, emergency medical services/paramedics, and veterinary technology programs.

Dr. Chaudhry brings with him a wealth of experience in higher education programs focused on health education.  He served as dean of the Biology and Health Sciences program at College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, IL; chair of the Public and Allied Health department at Bowling Green State University; and associate dean (interim) for Research and Faculty Development for the College of Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Vermont.  Other experience includes DNA Microarray Core Facility founding director and Radiation Therapy program director, both at the University of Vermont.

He holds a B. Sc. in zoology and chemistry and an M. Sc. in zoology from the University of Punjah, Pakistan and an M. Sc, in cancer biology from the University of Manchester.

Dr. Chaudhry received his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester, UK, and completed postdoctoral research work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology before joining the University of Pennsylvania as a senior research investigator. Dr. Chaudhry held an endowed professorship at the University of Vermont as a tenure track faculty member, received tenure, and later on was promoted to full professor.

Dr. Chaudhry is the author of 45 peer reviewed articles and 47 abstracts. He is the recipient of 14 funded grants, and he has reviewed more than 100 manuscripts for 41 international scientific journals. In addition, he reviewed research grants for the National Institute of Health and for international funding agencies from Australia, Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom.

He presented his research work at international scientific conferences and chaired symposiums at the meetings. He served as an editorial board member on four international scientific journals.

While at the University of Vermont, he received the Dean’s Outstanding Faculty Award (College of Nursing and Health Sciences) in 2008, the Faculty Recognition award in 2008 and 2009, and was nominated for the Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award in 2009.

He resides in Seneca.
