Expanded Duty Dental Assisting Program Receives Maximum Reaffirmation of Accreditation
CONTACT: MANDY HANKS, 646-1385 or mhanks@tctc.edu
(By Lisa Garrett)
PENDLETON --- Tri-County Technical College’s Expanded Duty Dental Assisting program received a maximum full reaffirmation of accreditation following a meeting of the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA).
“The CODA met February 7, 2019, to consider the site visit report and granted the program a seven-year accreditation status approval without reporting requirements,” said Mandy Hanks, program director for the Expanded Duty Dental Assisting program. The next site visit for the program is scheduled for 2025.
Following the College’s extensive self-study of this program, a committee of site visitors visited Tri-County in May of 2018 to validate the program’s compliance with CODA standards. In addition to talking with College administrators, the site visitors met with the program’s advisory committee members, faculty, students and area dental office professionals.
Dental assistants may work in general or specific dental offices, clinics and public health settings. They also may work as adjunct instructors for Dental Assisting programs at technical colleges if certified by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB).