Cart of mlt donations for anmed.jpg

CONTACT:  DEBORAH BROCK, dbrock5@tctc.ed

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                          4/8/2020

                                                                                  (By Lisa Garrett)

PENDLETON --- When healthcare agencies began to voice concern about the diminishing numbers of personal protective equipment (PPE) for their staff during this COVID-19 crisis, Tri-County Technical College’s Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) Program Director Deborah Brock immediately thought of the inventory her department had that the College could share with its healthcare partners.

Before spring break Brock placed an order for protective gear used in classroom laboratories on campus  –  this was prior to classes shifting to an e-learning (online) format in mid-March.  

“There were supplies already on hand in our storage room.  I knew we had inventory that people needed. It was just sitting on the shelf and we could share it,” said Brock. Supplies included plastic face shields that go over masks, liquid-proof lab coats and nitrile gloves.

“Since our MLT students are doing simulated clinical work now, these items are available. I also knew we would have an adequate supply when we are back on campus,” Brock added. 

Jennifer Porter, an MLT instructor and former AnMed employee, shared AnMed Health’s plea for supplies and after going through the proper approval channels, the College came to the aid of its longstanding clinical partner.

Brock received approval from College officials to donate the items and she was granted permission to go on campus and retrieve them. 

“The largest percentage of our MLT students do their clinical training at AnMed Health clinical laboratories so we made the decision to donate the items to this healthcare system. AnMed also employs many MLT graduates, as well as those from other Tri-County health education programs,” said Brock.

Last week she delivered the supplies to a designated distribution center.

“AnMed employees who received the items were very appreciative. They were very excited,” she said.

“We were more than happy to help.  We must all work together in these times,” she said. 

Brock is pleased to report that the majority of the program’s 10 seniors already have secured employment before they graduate.  “And many of them will be working at AnMed.’

Last May Tri-County Technical College’s MLT graduates reported a perfect pass rate on the National American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) exam. Only twice since 2008 has an MLT graduating class not achieved a 100 percent pass rate.

Tri-County’s MLT program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).
