
PENDLETON --- Nationally known storyteller Tim Lowry will headline an upcoming Southern Stories event set for April 3 at Tri-County Technical College.

The Friday night performance will be held from 6:30 - 8 p.m. in the Marshall Parker Auditorium on the Pendleton Campus.  The event, sponsored by the College's Enrichment Series, is free and open to the public.

The Southern Stories event precedes the College's Bluegrass under the Stars concert that will be held Saturday, April 4, from 6 - 10 p.m. in Parking Lot B adjacent to Fulp Hall. 

"Tim Lowry is a nationally known storyteller, who is a full-time professional with great name recognition among storytellers and audiences in South Carolina," said Lane Hudson, Tri-County English instructor and an organizer of the event.  "He is known throughout the Southeast for his excellent performances.  He will be a strong drawing card for Friday night's event and will give a performance that will be a wonderful addition to the weekend festivities." 

The event will open at 6:30 with performances by two Tri-County students who won trophies in January at the 2015 South Carolina Speech & Theatre College Festival Competition.  Performing will be Tara Lenertz, who won first place in Storytelling, and Samantha Crowl, who won second place in Storytelling at the competition.

The next performance will be by Billy Boggs, popular regional storyteller and a member of Clemson Area Storytelling Guild.

 Lowry's performance will begin at 7 p.m.   He grew up in southeastern Kentucky where he learned the art of storytelling from Appalachian folk who spun yarns and told tales to entertain, teach morals and pass along local history.  He studied drama in high school and toured the East Coast in 1987 with a drama school from Greenville, SC.  After earning a degree in theater, Lowry taught English language arts for five years.  He left the classroom in 2000 to become a full-time professional performer.  He has made several television appearances, recorded a number of storytelling CDs, filmed a DVD and written a storytelling handbook.

For more information about Lowry, visit his website at www.storytellertimlowry.com.           

For more information about the Southern Stories event, contact Lane Hudson at 646-1362 or whudson1@tctc.edu.