PENDLETON --- The Tri-County Technical College Chorus will present its holiday concert Friday, November 20, at 7 p.m. in the Marshall Parker Auditorium on the Pendleton Campus.  It will include a performance by the jazz band.  The concert is free and open to the public.

Under the direction of conductor and music instructor Julia West, the concert will feature a performance of holiday favorites by the choir, along with jazz versions of holiday pieces arranged by accompanist Cory Dodgens.  Songs by the chorus will include Carol of the Bells, Sleigh Ride, Deck the Halls, Hark the Herald Angels Sing and Sing We All Noel, from Schram's African Noel.  They also will perform The 12 Days After Christmas.

"It's my first semester at Tri-County," said West, "and it has been my pleasure to work with this talented group and discover what they are capable of."  West said the seven-member chorus is a small but tight group whose voices blend well.  "They are good at relying on each other and make a nice cohesive sound.  They are very musical and intuitive and are easy to lead." 

The jazz band, is small as well, she said, with three saxophonists, one bass guitarist and one drummer.

"The audience will be impressed. No one in the chorus is a music major but they have quite the level of talent. They exceed my expectations every time. I'm impressed and the community will be as well," she said.

West added that although the concert is free, donations to the College Music Scholarship Fund are welcome. The goal is to raise money for an endowed scholarship that will benefit students who want to enroll in the chorus class but cannot afford it. 

For more information, contact Julia West at 646-1436 or