Press Release                                                                                                                                                   
October 10, 2023

Tri-County Technical College’s RN/LPN NCLEX Scores Exceed National Averages

PENDLETON --- Tri-County Technical College’s (TCTC) RN and LPN graduates’ third quarter certification scores surpassed national averages on the new NGN (Next Generation) National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX).

The NCLEX is a nationally recognized licensure examination required to become either a registered nurse (NCLEX-RN) or a licensed practical nurse (NCLEX-PN).

 The new NGN NCLEX now includes next generation features, such as real-world case studies to measure a nurse's ability to think more critically and make the right decisions.

For the third quarter report (July 1 - September 30, 2023), TCTC’s Associate Degree Nursing graduates report a 100% pass rate on the NGN NCLEX-RN Exam. Ten graduates who were from the May 2023 class took the exam and all were successful.

According to the National Council State Board of Nursing, these first-time candidates exceeded national (90.89%) and state (95.09%) pass rates.

Earlier this year 46 graduates from the May class took the exam and reported a 97.83% success rate on the new exam.

Practical Nursing graduates scored a 94.74% pass rate on the NGN National Council Licensing Exam (NCLEX-PN) with 18 out of 19 graduates from August 2023 being successful. This is the first time these graduates took the NGN exam which launched on April 1, 2023, to better measure nursing candidates’ clinical judgment and decision-making abilities through the use of innovative item types.

The national average is 90.64% and the state PN pass rate is 97.16 %.

“I am so proud to work with a wonderful group of nurse educators who ensures that TCTC delivers great nurses for the future,” said Jackie Rutledge, TCTC’s nursing department head.

PN graduates are employed at nursing homes, doctor’s offices and acute care facilities. ADN graduates are predominantly employed at Prisma Health and AnMed, she said.

TCTC’s nursing departments are fully accredited by the State Board of Nursing in South Carolina and the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.

About Tri-County Technical College

Tri-County Technical College, a public two-year community and technical college serving Anderson, Oconee and Pickens Counties in South Carolina, enrolls more than 9,000 students annually and offers more than 70 major fields of study, including computer technology, industrial electronics, mechatronics, nursing, and university transfer programs. Tri-County boasts the highest student success rate among two-year colleges in the state and ranks in the top one percent nationally for successful student transfers to four-year colleges and universities. To learn more, visit
