Find out today how an education at TCTC will get you ready for an immediate career path.
With dozens of clubs and organizations here, we make it easy to get involved!
Find out today how an education at TCTC will get you ready for an immediate career path.
With dozens of clubs and organizations here, we make it easy to get involved!
Certified Maintenance & Reliability Technician
The Certified Maintenance & Reliability Technician program is the leading credentialing program for the knowledge, skills and abilities of maintenance and reliability technicians. The certification assesses the knowledge and skills of those responsible for preventative, predictive and corrective maintenance – multi-skilled individuals who play a critical role in the success of organizations.
Through each of the courses, you’ll learn how the maintenance discipline contributes to the overall system, as well as how to create and troubleshoot real-world circuits. Hands-on applications and written assessments ensure the knowledge and skills are what’s needed to be a multi-skilled maintenance and reliability technician in today’s manufacturing settings. Courses are ideal for current maintenance technicians, operators, lead operators, and process technicians.
Each of these three-day courses can be taken individually; however, upon completing four of the five modules, you’ll have the opportunity to test for the overall Maintenance Reliability Technician Certification.
Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional
Are you looking to:
The Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional program is the leading credential for certifying the knowledge, skills and abilities of maintenance, reliability, and physical asset management professionals. Each stand-alone course within this program lasts three days. Courses may be taken individually; however, upon completing all the modules, you’ll be prepared to test for Maintenance & Reliability Professional Certification.
Stand-Alone Courses
We also offer stand-alone courses in the area of Maintenance Reliability, including Operator Optimization and Total Productive Maintenance for Operators. Learn more.
Maintenance Skill Assessments: Assess your workforce skills
Assess your maintenance personnel against national recognized standards to earn a national credential.
The Center for Workforce Excellence Now offers a Nationally Recognized Industrial Maintenance Skills Assessment for Advanced Manufacturing Technicians.
Competency-Based Assessments for Today’s Advanced Manufacturing Technicians
The AMTEC assessment process was created with input and fully backed by Nocti Business Solutions (NBS). Their sole purpose is to assist industry with occupational competency testing. NBS provides the vital link between industry and education, and their backing was essential to the success and effectiveness of the AMTEC assessments.
How are the assessments created?
A comprehensive list of occupational standards is developed through a process called DACUM. DACUM is an acronym for Develop a Curriculum and uses guided group discussion with expert workers. AMTEC uses an enhanced DACUM process, referred to as Turbo-DACUM, which is a systematic, methodical, extremely detailed document that focused on the actual work performed by a multi-skilled technician in modern manufacturing production processes.
Following an analysis of the DACUM using a Delphi process, a written assessment is created that aligns to a common core of competencies taken from the customized job and task analysis.
Contact us today to discuss how to assess your Industrial Maintenance Technicians and determine their training needs.
Sam Tisdale, Director, Center for Workforce Excellence
Phone: 864-646-1598