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Find out today how an education at TCTC will get you ready for an immediate career path.
With dozens of clubs and organizations here, we make it easy to get involved!
Entrance Requirements for Corporate and Community Education Classes
Tri-County Technical College adheres to State Board for Technical and Comprehensive Education Policy 3-2-103, Minimum Age for Admission, with the following specific exemption: Students under the age of 18 may enroll in a non-credit course that is specifically designed for their age group or that has been approved by the Dean of Corporate and Community Education.
Corporate and Community Education Refund and Attendance Policy
Tri-County Technical College CCE Division has adopted a detailed Refund and Transfer Policy. This policy can be found by clicking HERE.
Earned Corporate and Community Education Units: Requests for Corporate and Community Education transcripts should be referred to the Corporate and Community Education Division. One Corporate and Community Education Unit is awarded for each ten hours of instruction with decimal units given for fewer than ten hours. Only the number of complete instructional hours is considered in assigning CEU's.
Depending on course requirements, the award of CEU's is contingent upon:
Inclement Weather
In the event of snow, ice or other inclement weather, you can check to see if Corporate and Community Education classes have been cancelled by calling the main College number (646-8361 or toll-free within the 864 area code: 1-866-269-5677) and selecting option 9 for inclement weather announcements.
Holiday Closings
The Corporate and Community Education Division observes the following holidays each year:
New Year's Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
We are closed each of the above holidays and do not hold classes on- or off-site on these days.
Privacy Statements
Corporate and Community Education Statement
Student academic and educational records are confidential and are maintained by the proper record custodian. These records are disclosed with the student's written consent except as defined by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1972 (Buckley Amendment). You have a right to inspect your educational records and to request a correction of records that may be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of your privacy or other rights. (See the Student Code for S.C. Technical Colleges in the Tri-County Technical College Student Handbook or obtain a copy of the College's policy regarding the Buckley Amendment from the Dean of Students or the Dean of Corporate and Community Education.)
Release of Student Information
Directory information (or releasable information) is general information that may be released by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion, to anyone without consent of the student. The following is considered directory information at Tri-County Technical College: student name, address, telephone number, email address, birth date, major, participation in officially recognized activities, attendance dates, enrollment status, degrees/awards received, most recent previous school attended, and photographs.
Students have the right to withhold disclosure of directory information under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received in Student Records by the end of the second week of class each term (or the first meeting of Corporate and Community Education courses).
Corporate and Community Education Student Code
The Student Code of Tri-County Technical College applies to all students whether they are enrolled in a degree granting program, a Corporate and Community Education course, or pre-employment training. This Code outlines the rights and responsibilities of the student and is contained in the College Catalog. The College will seek to solve violations of the Code by internal procedures of due process. When necessary, off-campus law enforcement and judicial authorities may be involved. The following is a summary of a few key areas for emphasis.
Academic Dishonesty
The College will initiate disciplinary action in response to all forms of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating on tests, plagiarism, collusion, and falsification of information.
Behavior and Discipline
The College recognizes discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter necessary to the educational process. However, students have no rights to interfere with the freedom of instructors to teach or the rights of other students to learn.
Children on Campus
Children are not permitted to attend class with their parent(s). Children must not be left unattended on campus because of insurance regulations. Parents who continue to violate this regulation will be subject to suspension from the College.
Computer Use
By using College information and technology resources, students agree to abide by all College policies and procedures governing appropriate use, as well as applicable state and federal laws. Materials accessible through information technology will be recognized as having the same protection under the First Amendment as do print materials. The utilization of such systems to access, use, or distribute information, and materials that are obscene, pornographic, or that may be perceived by others as harassing or intimidating is strictly prohibited.
It is a felony violation of the South Carolina Code of Laws for anyone to carry a firearm, on their person or in their privately operated vehicle, onto the College campus.
Other Unlawful Acts
Other unlawful acts that call for disciplinary action include, but are not limited to: destruction or theft of property, unauthorized entry, and possession of narcotics or alcohol.
Parking regulations apply to all students regardless of their program.
Rights Infringement
Infringement of rights of others will not be tolerated and include but is not limited to: physical or verbal abuse, severe emotional stress, theft or destruction of property, or sexual harassment.
Tobacco use will not be permitted within the confines of any building, in the area of the college known as the mall (inner campus), or within fifty (50) feet of any building.
For more details on these and other aspects of the Code as well as its grievance provisions, see the complete Student Code in the Student Handbook. Paper copies of the Handbook are available in room 103 of the Industrial and Business Development Center.