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Coarse Aggregate Level 2 Technician

The Coarse Aggregate (CA) Level 2 Testing Technician's Certification Course is intended to assure competency in physical property testing of course aggregate materials.  It is aimed at aggregate suppliers' QC/QA technicians and appropriate SCDOT personnel who are required to perform and regulate necessary aggregate QC/QA tests.  Individuals who complete this course will be certified to perform CA Level 2 Testing Technician duties for aggregate materials produced for use on SCDOT projects.  The instructors for the course are made up of knowledgeable aggregate industry and SCDOT representatives.

Course Outline:
Participants are required to attend a one-and-a-half (1 ½) day course, pass a written exam (open book and open notes) with a score of 80% or higher, and individually demonstrate proficiency (closed book and closed notes) in each of the following required laboratory testing procedures:

  • Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (AASHTO T 85)
  • Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine (AASHTO T 96)
  • Plastic Fines in Graded Aggregate and Soils by Use of the Sand Equivalent Test (AASHTO T 176)
  • Method for Determining Flat and Elongated Particles in Coarse Aggregate (SC T 77)

Upon registration AND payment for the course, each participant will be sent a course manual. 

Topics covered in the course include:

  • Important Properties of Aggregates
  • Flat and Elongated Particles
  • Los Angeles Abrasion
  • Sodium Sulfate Soundness
  • Absorption and Specific Gravity
  • Sand Equivalency

Entry Requirements/What to Expect:
All participants in this course are expected to have some laboratory experience in testing aggregate and should be familiar with the related SCDOT specifications.


  • Current Coarse Aggregate Level 1 Sampling and Grading Technician Certification 

Additional Registration Information:
If registration information and payment for the course are not received at least 14 days prior to the course start date, the participant will not receive a course manual and will be dropped from the course.  If the registrant provides an incorrect mailing address and the manual has to be re-shipped, a $10.00 processing and handling fee will be charged. 

Course Materials:
Electronic versions of the course materials are available below.  However, course materials can be updated at any time, and these electronic materials may not be the most updated version.  The most updated version of the course materials is mailed to all course registrants upon submission of all required registration items and payment.   

NEW: SCDOT SC-T-1 Coarse Aggregate Sampling Training Video

Section 1 - Important Properties of Aggregate
Section 2 - Flat and Elongated
Section 3 - L.A. Abrasion
Section 4 - Sodium Sulfate Soundness
Section 5 - Specific Gravity and Absorption
Section 6 - Unit Weight
Section 7 - Sand Equivalency
Section 8 - Micro-Deval


For more information, call (864) 646-1700 or toll free 866-269-5677, Ext 1700 (within the 864 area code) or e-mail