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  • Currently-enrolled high school junior or senior, or must have permission to begin early from HSEO Director;
  • US citizenship/Legal presence;
  • Permission from parent/guardian and high school;
  • Completed online application.

Students taking Dual Enrollment courses have an early start on college experience and credit hours, and may be able to complete an Associate or Bachelor degree sooner. Students also may find dual enrollment eases the transition to full-time college. For some students, having credit hours already completed may help them retain LIFE Scholarship in future academic years.

You may take courses for which they have qualifying ACCUPLACER scores and have met prerequisite course requirements. With permission from your high school, you may take other TCTC courses that do not require ACCUPLACER scores.

High school students should not complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) until the Fall of their senior year of high school for the following academic year. Only high school graduates are eligible for federal student aid.

High school students who take six or more credit hours in one semester may qualify for the South Carolina Lottery Tuition Assistance Program.

The South Carolina LIFE Scholarship is not affected by Lottery Tuition Assistance. LIFE Scholarship is not awarded until after a student graduates from high school. The Lottery Tuition Assistance Program is a separate South Carolina financial aid program that is available to both high school students and graduates.

Upon admission to the college, students must set up their online MyTCTC account using information provided in the acceptance letter to have access to their bills, schedules, college email account, and all other online college services and communication.

Mid-term and final grades are released to high school counselors and administrators.

If you want your records released to another party, you must make requests through their online MyTCTC accounts by completing a FERPA release. Privacy of student educational records is regulated by the federal Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA).

Dual Enrollment students must re-apply to the college to continue at Tri-County for any term that begins after their high school graduation date.

Transcripts are issued by the Registrar’s Office/Student Data Center. Students may request a transcript online through MyTCTC. Additional information about requesting transcripts is available online at

When students take college courses in high school, they begin a college transcript, including a college GPA and completion rate. All TCTC grades are included on the college transcript and factored in determining federal/state financial aid eligibility after high school graduation at Tri-County Technical College. The Federal Financial Aid requirement of Satisfactory Academic Progress (2.0 GPA, 67% completion rate, and maximum 150% program-required credit hours) is assessed at the end of each semester. Students need to understand that performance in dual enrollment courses can help or hurt their ability to receive financial aid (grants, scholarships, and loans) once they are a regular college student after high school graduation.

Students requesting accommodations must schedule an appointment for an evaluation of documentations. Accommodations that students receive at high school do not transfer to college courses, even if courses are held at the high school building. Contact the Accessibility Resource Center by calling 864-646-1564 or email The Center is located on the Pendleton Campus.

Parking decals are required for students who drive to any TCTC campus and must be displayed according to the directions provided by the Campus Police office.
Two vehicles may be registered at no charge for dual enrollment students. Decals expire at the end of Summer term. New decals may be obtained beginning August 1 of each year.
Parking decals are obtained by going to MyTCTC, clicking on the My Payments tile and choosing the dual enrollment option (to avoid a fee). All decals will be mailed to the address you provide. Please provide the address where you receive your mail. Students must provide the following information:
Your last name
Your TCTC ID Number (Example: T00123456)
Driver’s License Number & State
Vehicle Information (Make, Model, Year, Color, License)

Internet failure is not an acceptable excuse for missing deadlines. Have a backup plan in case your computer breaks, your internet goes out, or you have a power outage. As a Tri-County student, you have access to campus computer labs, available at all of our campuses. Computer labs are closed during breaks and holidays.

You will hear your instructors refer to Blackboard from Day 1. It is our learning platform where you will access and submit assignments, post to discussions, check your grades, and work in groups. Take advantage of online training resources to help you learn how to navigate Blackboard, the learning platform where you will Tri-County has provided links to Blackboard tutorials here.

At Tri-County, instructors have the option to require on-campus visits for their Distance Learning course. Some sections may require that students attend campus for assessments, activities, or other events, which would be outlined during the first week of class in the syllabus.

Successful students seek tutoring as soon as they realize they need additional explanation and support. Don’t hesitate to seek assistance at the Tutoring Center for any of your Tri-County courses. Online options are available. Learn more.

  • You may drop a course during the first week of the semester and it does not appear on the final college transcript, and tuition and fees are refunded for that course – it is like the you were never in the course. If you know you don’t plan to finish a course, drop before the deadline.
  • Withdrawing from a course must be done before the end of the withdrawal period, about two-thirds into the semester. A withdrawal appears on your college transcript as a W and may impact future financial aid. You should speak to your instructor prior to withdrawing from a course. If an instructor suggests that there is not a way to pass a course, a W is a better alternative than a failing grade on a college transcript.
  • You should discuss with their High School Counselors to determine how a withdrawal will affect their High School transcript.
  • Students who withdraw from a course will not receive a refund for the tuition and fees for that course.

Didn't find the question you are looking for? Click here to view the full Dual Enrollment 2024 -2025 Handbook