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Tri-County Technical College is pleased to present its financial data to the constituents of South Carolina as part of an on-going effort to provide financial transparency in state government. Accountability is the hallmark of a well-run government, and timely access to financial data is critical to accomplishing this goal.

College Check Registers

The College posts monthly Check Registers to this website by the tenth day of the month following the month end. Monthly register reports are presented for the current fiscal year, and three previous fiscal years are presented in a searchable PDF format that includes the following data:

  • Check Number

  • Check Date

  • Transaction Amount: Actual cost of the item or service provided

  • Vendor Name/Payee: Payee (employee and student names are redacted and replaced with "Employee" or "Student")

  • Category: General description of the item purchased or service provided

  • Account: A more detailed description of the item purchased or service provided

  • Source: College funding source from which the item was purchased, which includes:

    • Restricted/Capital Project Funds - funds expended for specific purposes such as grants, scholarships, and/or capital/plant funds

    • Unrestricted Funds - funds expended for education and general expenses and/or auxiliary services

All accounts payable transactions are included in these reports except wages and student refunds.

Monthly Check Registers

Procurement Card Transactions

The College's Procurement/Credit Card transactions are posted to the South Carolina Comptroller General's website on a monthly basis.

Additional Information

For questions or additional information, please contact the Business Office at or 864-646-1802.